Crop Over 2018
Puff of Colour is undoubtedly one of the biggest events on the Barbados Crop Over Calendar. In the wee hours of the morning, the admissions checkpoint into the quarry is a mass of people. Yes, that is right- Puff of Colour transforms a Quarry into one of the most sought-after paint slinging, powder throwing, water dousing, care-free phenomena Bajans and visitors alike just can’t seem to get enough of.

The passion for the event shows because the line is both long and 6 abreast in some cases but the 'pang ka-tang-ka-tang' sounds of a man beating iron and his ensemble of sax, drummers and trumpet players gives a contemporary feel and sound to traditional Barbadian folk music. Having waded your way inside, sharing smiles, pictures and jokes with fellow party goers on the way in, imagine descending the ramped entrance with cut rock walls towering 50 feet and beyond on all sides.
Read more in our 2018 Crop Over Magazine . Check out our gallery for full event albums for Puff of Colour 2018 and other Crop Over 2018 events.
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